Alternative Health Issues


This movie takes a look at what is really going on in the medical profession in America. This film exposes a well funded, highly organized concerted effort of the American Medical Association (AMA), the pharmaceutical industry, and insurance companies, with full support of the Food and Drug Administration in passing legislation and enforcing laws that…

Matters of Faith

Rethinking Church

This is a very provocative perspective of what we typically think of when we talk about “What is the church”? Francis Chan has been talking about this very issue for a number of years and provides a good summation of what he is doing in response to what he is discovering as he answers this…

Education | Government

Thomas Woods: Nullification a Tool We All Have

I recently came across an interesting video done by Dr. Thomas E Woods, Jr., who in essence suggests that the collective united States share a duty to reign in the FEDERAL Government through the process of “NULLIFICATION” when they go beyond the scope of powers granted to them by the States [We The People]. Interestingly,…

Alternative Health Issues

How to make filthy water drinkable?

Too much of the world lacks access to clean drinking water. Engineer Michael Pritchard did something about it — inventing the portable Lifesaver filter, which can make the most revolting water drinkable in seconds. An amazing demo from TEDGlobal 2009. Source: href=””>


First Blog Post!

I have officially entered the world of blogging after much contemplation and consideration. Its my desire to use this public forum as a way to share my ideas and research in areas relating to health, finances, geopolitical current events, and life in community. Its my hope that the information presented here will benefit all those who visit…