The US War Machine’s Annual Budget Could Buy Every Homeless American a $1 Million Home

While the UNITED STATES spends all this money propping up the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, it leaves its infrastructure (power grid) completely vulnerable to an “electromagnetic impulse” (EMP) that would leave us all literally, in the dark where (90%) of us would be dead within (1) year. See the congressional report here.

As far as the homeless go, the bail out of the banks in 2008, to the tune of $750B would have gone a long way to resolve this issue. The facts are, every foreclosure in America are fraudulent reconveyances of your homes. There is no injured party, therefore, no cause to sue for damages. The originator of the alleged loan never “loaned” any money, it was a installment lease contract for a future return of goods and services. The standard Uniform FREDDIE MAC FANNIE MAE application was used to invoke the FEDERAL RESERVE mandate to issue credit (your credit) via. money on account which was nothing more than a ledger entry in their books. Its all a scam played out on unsuspecting home owners. Watch the movie, “The Big Short.” The UNITED STATES Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former Goldman Sachs executive, threw the American people under the bus, while bailing out his buddies on Wall Street.


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