This whole discussion at its root begs the question, does this thing, they call a “thing” actually exist as described?
The “official” story is their exists a specifically identifiable living organism that is replicating, pathogenic, contagious and the primary cause of a particular disease which can lead to death. The thing is called a “Virus”.
Are the images shown on the TV, and computer screens an actual image or a CGI image, i.e., a construct?
Is the existence of this thing based on “germ” theory?
Is this thing a”living” organisms?
Can this thing survive outside the host cell?
Is this thing “motile?”
Is there any proof this thing is pathogenic?
Has it been proven to be the primary cause of disease?
Is this non-living, non-mobile bit actually “contagious?
Does this thing produce any unique symptom?
Is there any evidence this thing can “replicate”?
Does the test kit (RT-PCR) used test for COVID-19?
Is the over all mortality rates in the US any different this year compared to other years?
Does the “death” rates include cases of comorbidity, or alternative morbidity conditions?
What is the percentage of “false positives”?
Is the CDC being honest about the data?
Is the World Health Organization being honest about the data?
Do Pirbright Institute, Wellcome Trust, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Alliance, Rockefeller Foundation, NIH, CDC, WHO have a financial interest in this product?
Is the alleged “vaccine” really a vaccine or is it CRISPR Cas9® “gene drive” technology used to produce “messenger RNA (“mRNA”)?
Lots of crucial unanswered question.
In my view, these are the questions that we ought asked.. All else is “bread and circus” to keep the individual in a constant state of “fear”.
The issue here is Government officials (Fiduciaries) making claims about a thing. When a “CLAIM” is made in an OFFICIAL capacity which affect millions upon millions of people, it seems reasonable and natural to question said claims, asking for source data relied on in support of those claims.
It is my view, one ought to be able to ask questions, and examine the primary source data from which their claims are derived, for the purpose of making informed decisions as to whether or not it is fact actually true. People should not be eviscerated because they ask questions, especially in this scenario.
The questions are derived from “their”claims. The question remains, are they in fact true in nature? Or are they based on a failed theory – “GERM”. Its quite simple, really.
If you ask the wrong questions, the answers are not relevant, are they?
It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~ Aristotle
Cheer! ~ Mark